David James - Conductor

Mike - Bass guitar
Mike was a former musician in the Royal air force bands and taught himself to play the Bass.
He is also an honorary member of the flute section.

Ellie - Trumpet
Ellie ;joined CWB as a fairly novice player about 10 years ago (having had a couple of years of lessons at school). Juggling work and kids, Ellie has found being part of the band an enjoyable way to do something just for her, especially in such a friendly and encouraging atmosphere. She says I 'really like the range of music we play, and it's great to have the chance to rehearse and perform with others'.

Ian - Drummer
Ian joined the band in 2006. He started playing the drums in 1969 and has spent over thirty years as a semi-professional drummer and entertainer.

Claire - Flute
Claire has played the flute for 36 years but like a lot of adults had a few years when her flute was relegated to the back of the cupboard. CWB has meant that Claire is able to play weekly and perform again and she really enjoys the fun, friendly atmosphere and camaraderie!

Brian - Saxophone

Rosa - Alto Sax
Rosa started playing alto sax about 25 years ago, but it was resting in its case for a few years when life got in the way! (She also plays flute, but finds the sax more fun these days.) She enjoys playing a diverse range of music and really values being able to play in the lovely friendly Cadbury wind band locally.

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